Prison Fence/ High Safety Fence

Prison Fence also called High Safety Fence.

Material: low carbon steel wire, aluminum-magnesium alloy wire.

Weaving and characteristics: Finished by weave and welding. Grid structure of the prison fence is concise,easy to transport, installation doesn't restrict of undulating terrain, expecially for the mountain, slope,bending zone highty adaptive. The product is durable,the price is relatively low for large-scale use.

Prison Mesh Panels
Mesh panels are available in widths up to 2500mm and heights up to 6096mm. For anti-climb high security 358 prison mesh, 3″ and 0.5″ mesh apertures are provided in 4mm wire. The mesh spacing and high density weld configuration provide a finger-proof, anti-climb panel which is extremely difficult to penetrate using conventional cutters.

Despite the density of the wires, through visibility is excellent and panel design is compatible with most electronic alarm and intruder detection systems.

Prison mesh can also be used around the perimeters of industrial and commercial premises to protect valuable stock and machinery.

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